knightinsky的blog -《校园日记》

星期二, 六月 19, 2007



我在我的LESSON PLAN里面写了这样的一段东西:“Jot down notes if needed.”结果他就拿这句话来开始作文章。

“How can you write like this? That means you don't know what the students are doing. You don't know whether they have to write the notes or not!”

"Dr, from the previous lesson, I know their level. I think they can understand what i teach. I wrote this sentence just in case some of them need it..."

"NO NO NO,you can not ASSUME that. How can you know their level? Also, how can you know your student can follow up what you teach or not? I as an observer, I can not follow your lesson(这里我很告诉他是他的智商有问题的关系),so how can you suppose your student can understand? You can not proceed to the next part if any of the student can not understand!"

"Dr, that's why I gave them exercise to do in front of me, and I don't let them to do discussion during this evaluation. And, I ask them to pass up so that I can know they can follow or not."

"NO NO NO, as a teacher, you have to know whether your student can follow up the lesson by the end of the class, BEFORE YOU MARK THE EXERCISE!"


面对这么无理的要求,我问了他一个我自认很短,也很SHARP的问题:"So, what do you suggest?"

结果他当场愣在那里,大概一秒之后(你们可以拿手表看看一秒大概多久就可以相像到那个画面),他说:"So, you have to plan!"

简直混蛋!要我PLAN学生会不会?就是说如果我如果PLAN学生会,学生不会也要会,我如果PLAN学生不会,学生会也要不会?什么要求来的?这根本是在要求我ASSUME学生会还是不会不是?可是如果大家的记性不错的话,上面他说过:“NO NO NO,you can not ASSUME that....”




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